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Wednesday, April 27, 2005 


It's Wednesday morning and I actually slept til a little after 10am :) Now those of you who know I can do that pretty much every day anyway are wondering why is that special. Because I usually wake up at least 2-3 times and have to fall back to sleep. I actually slept 8 hours straight yay.

I've been busy working on some web stuff for PokerSourceOnline and I probably have a lull for a couple of days so I may have time to play a decent amount. I may start a new promotion with them and do some more bonus scrounging too. Although sometimes these bonuses seem to get more tedious as I complete them. Not doing as well as last month. I need to look over how I've been playing but I have 4 whole days to change that! :)

Tuesday 4/26
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$37.75

Monday 4/25
.5/1: +$19.93
.5/1 (kill): +$23
1/2: -$20
1/2 (kill): -$2.75
2/4: -$8

Sunday 4/24
.5/1: +$8.25
.5/1 (kill): +$22.40
1/2: -$13.25
2/4: +$10.50

Sunday, April 24, 2005 


My apologies to anyone reading my blog. I have been busy this week freelancing and working on some business ideas. Also been kind of a crappy week at the tables as well. Really bad night Wednesday didn't do much for my confidence. Working off a bonus on partypoker right now so that will make up for all these losses at least. Well as long as I don't lose as I'm getting the bonus.

Saturday 4/23
Ring Games:
.5/1: -10

Single Table Tournament:
Mini Step 2: 5th place, win buyin to Step 2 again
Mini Step 2: 1st place, win buyin to $50 step 3

Friday 4/22
Ring Games:
.5/1: -11.75
1/2: -7.50

Thursday 4/21
Ring Games:
.5/1: -$0.05
1/2 Kill: +$24.75
2/4: -$12

Single Table Tournament:
$5 Mini-step: 1st place, win buyin to $20 step 2 (need to place top 5 in step 5 to win 200 to 2000 dollars)

Wednesday 4/20
Ring Games:
.5/1: -$25.20
2/4: -$64.50

Tuesday 4/19
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$6.55
1/2 Kill: -$5.50

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 

Up and down

My posts may start getting a little haphazard. I must try to keep up with doing an entry every day. Busy working on websites and trying to do some yard work as well among other things. Did ok sunday at the tables but started out in the hole yesterday and couldn't get out :(

Monday 4/18
Ring Games:
.25/.50 CP: -6.55
.5/1: -5.70
1/2: -$19
2/4: -$58.50

Sunday 4/17
.5/1: -$5.82
1/2: +33.50
2/4: +15.50

Sunday, April 17, 2005 

Saturday Extravaganza

Lots to talk about today :) We hosted a tournament today with 9 people. I won the tournament and my wife finished third. It's the third one we've hosted. I've now finished 1st, 4th and 1st and my wife has finished 2nd, 3rd and 3rd. I feel kind of bad for my friends because I play a lot more than any of them. I hope they aren't getting too frustrated. I'm not an expert or anything yet but I'd be glad to share tips and tactics if any of them asked. Jess does pretty well just from watching tv and listening to me ramble about good or bad plays i've made. I know I misplayed a couple of hands. I raised big with TT out of the small blind and got 2 callers. Flop came AQx and I made a weak bet on the flop when I probably should have raised more. I was called and then check-folded the turn. I may have won the hand with a stronger bet on the flop but 2 overcards with 2 people in front of me scared the hell out of me.

Later that evening...I played in the $1 omaha hi/lo tournament. I played well and got some really incredible hands. A couple of nice scoops and I was in first place with 14 people left. 109 started the tourney. I was second in chips going to the final table and managed to finish in third place! So it's been a great week for tournaments :)

My NL luck ran out though. Played a tournament for PSO which is like US vs Canada. I didn't represent the US very well. I was near the button with KK. Guy in early position min raised. I reraised. Then he pushed all in. It's so hard giving up those cowboys. And looking back and knowing what I know about my opponent, I should have folded. But of course I called and got knocked out of the tourney early.

Oh well but a nice day at 2/4 as well!

Saturday 4/16
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$2.85
.5/1 (1/2kill): +$0.10
2/4: +$78.45

Multi Table Tournaments:
$5.50 NL: 37 of 43: 5 paid
$1 Omaha hi/lo: 3 of 109, 18 paid: won $13.90

Saturday, April 16, 2005 

Good Friday

Was a nice day at the tables. Played on a .5/1 table with a 1/2 kill. A kill game is where if one person wins two pots in a row, the game doubles the stakes (to 1/2 in this case) and the person who won has to post a SB, or $1. It seems these games have more gamblers in them and are a little looser than the regular tables.

My wife and I also discussed a few business ideas and I think we came up with some decent stuff between the two of us. (more her than me) but we may have something worth doing.

This afternoon my friends and I will be having a home tournament. Probably 8 but possibly 10 people for NL hold'em fun :)

Friday 4/15
Ring Games:
.5/1: -$11.20
.5/1 (1/2kill): +$33.70
2/4: +$64.25

Single Table Tournaments:
$4.40 NL: 5 of 9, 2 paid

Friday, April 15, 2005 


Played in the 2:45 $6 tourney on Thursday. 1367 players and I finished 26th! won $41.01 ...not a great payday but feels good placing that high. The guy who got me into poker almost made another final table and finished 11th. Maybe one day we'll take over the poker world.

Started out down in the afternoon getting my ass handed to me at 1/2 and 2/4 and was down $70. After the tourney win I felt good and played some more 2/4 and won $120 so ended up with a nice win overall :)

Thursday 4/14
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$0.75
1/2: -$54.50
2/4: +$72

Multi Table Tournaments:
$6 NL: 26 of 1367 - 140 paid - won $41.01

Wednesday 4/13
Ring Games:
.5/1: -9.75
1/2: +$16

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 


I officially finished above $5000 in total poker winnings last night. It took about 1 year to achieve. Now if I could do that in 1 month's time I'd be much happier, but I'm not complaining :) So far so good. I will start playing more satellite tourneys soon to get into big events hopefully. I have been happy with my play lately in both limit and NL.

Tuesday 4/12/2005
Ring Games:
.25/.50 (6 max): -$6.30
.5/1: +$29.60
1/2: +29

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 

I can see!

Had an eye exam and my vision hasn't changed in 3 years yay! Got new glasses though and sunglasses too. I've never really warn sunglasses. Man I've been missing many years of not squinting. :)

Decent day at the tables. Only played .5/1 and NL for a few minutes but did really well.

Monday 4/12/2005
Ring Games:
.05/.10 NL: +$3.60
.5/1: +$67.46

Monday, April 11, 2005 

Weekend Warrior

Well not much of a warrior. Nothing extremely exciting happened this weekend. Starting to play more tournaments again. Trying to win small buy in tourneys to get into the bigger ones.

Sunday 4/10
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$14.75
1/2: +$19.75
2/4: -$43

Single Table Tournaments:
$4.40 SNG: 1 of 9, won token to $24 tournament

Saturday 4/9
Ring Games:
.05/.10 NL: +$10.50
.5/1: +$1.50
2/4: -$23.25

Single Table Tournaments:
$4.40 SNG: 2 of 9, won $10

Multi Table Tournaments:
$1 omaha hi/lo: 58 of 96

Saturday, April 09, 2005 

Keep it goin

I seem to be having problems winning at 2/4 during the daytime. i was down again and then I played later at night and had a nice win each of the last two days. I am starting to realize sometimes I need to call down some of the more aggressive players. I think I have been getting taken advantage of when I seem to be folding a lot. Other than that I think I played relatively well the last couple of days.

Friday 4/8/2005
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$24.10
2/4: +$51.25

Single Table Tournament:
$4.40 SNG: 2 of 9, won $10

Thursday 4/7/2005
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$5.45
2/4: +$83

Thursday, April 07, 2005 


Finally had a winning day after a few rough ones. Felt really good at 2/4 and wasn't getting sucked out on until of course the last 2 hands I played. Had 77 flopped my set only to lose to a gutshot straight on the river. Then next hand I get KK and of course an ace comes on the flop. I got raised on the flop so I got out cheap at least. I would have been up another $30 or so though.

Wednesday 4/6/2005
.5/1: +$3.10
2/4: +$85.50

Wednesday, April 06, 2005 

Look out below...

April showers bring ... a downturn in variance apparantly. Up, down, up, down. make it stop! I don't think I've been playing horribly. A lot of my decisions have been fine, I just seem to get beat with my big hands. I know I've made some mistakes, but I'm just getting hammered overall. Back to the drawing board.

Tuesday 4/5/2005
.05/.10 NL: -$2.95
.5/1: -$29.80
2/4: -$73.50

Single Table Tournaments:
$5/1 NL: 2 of 10 and 3 of 10, 3 paid net +$13
$10/1 NL: 3 of 10, 3 paid net +$9

Monday 4/4/2005
.5/1 omaha hi/lo: -$2.80
.25/.50 (6 max): -$2.35
.5/1: +$0.75
2/4: -$145.50

Monday, April 04, 2005 

Over the weekend

Saturday continued to be a poor start for April. Started out down a good deal again and had to work my way back up to near even. Sunday proved to be a lot better and I'm back in the black for the month.

Sunday 4/3/05
Ring Games:
.5/1: -$5.65
2/4: +$155.99

Multi Table Tournaments:
$1 NL: 54 of 390 36 paid

Saturday 4/2/2005
Ring Games:
.5/1: -$4.90
2/4: -$6.57

Multi Table Tournaments:
$1 omaha hi/lo: 25 of 86

Saturday, April 02, 2005 

Hangin out

Long gone are the days from during the school years when friends get together almost every night to hang out. Jobs and families make it hard for everyone to see each other very often. My friend Mark came up with "first fridays" where my high school friends would all get together the first friday of each month. There are basically a core 5 of us who have tried to make it every month. Because of sickness and vacations the last three months have been 3, 0 and 3. It would be really nice to get together more often. I'd love to have a weekly poker game but I think everyone would be too busy to do it every week. In two weeks we are having a NL tournament though so that should be fun.

I didn't start off very well for the month of April but it could have been worse. I was down $69 at 2/4 at one point and made most of it back. Having similar issues today but I'll post those results tomorrow.

Friday 4/1/2004
Ring Games:
.5/1: -2.70
2/4: -13

Friday, April 01, 2005 

Welcome to April

Happy April Fool's Day. I was hoping the last day of the month would go well but I had a rough time at 2/4. The tables I got on were full of loose aggressives and I kept getting screwed on my hands. Had a good day at .5/1 though so they almost evened out for a managable loss.

Thursday 3/31/05
Ring Games:
.5/1: +$68.50
2/4: -$86.50

Multi Table Tournaments:
$6 NL: 180 of 1213, 180 paid
$1 Razz: 65 of 108, 16 paid

  • NL = No Limit Holdem
  • PLO = Pot Limit Omaha
  • CP = Crazy Pineapple
  • TD = Triple Draw
  • UTG = Under the Gun (first to act)
  • MP = Middle Position
  • LP = Late Position
  • CO = CutOff (one before the button)

About me

  • I'm Scottwire
  • From NJ
  • Hi there. I started this blog mainly to keep track of how I'm doing playing poker as well as to vent, share my thoughts and feelings, and allow friends and family to follow along. Thanks to everyone following along whether I know you or not. About me - I am currently a web developer who is trying to become a successful Entrepreneur with my wife. We love to travel and are trying to become successful enough to do that as we please :) That's us in a nutshell.
My profile
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