Why am I stupid?
I have an overpair or top pair top kicker.
I get check raised.
I somehow call the guy down or reshove.
Every fucking time the guy has flopped a set.
I did this not once, not twice, but three times this morning.
In other news, I lost $30 with QQ against a donk who called my $8 3 bet with K3 and flopped a king. He was a nut and just shoved the flop after calling out of position. It was a pot sized bet so I called and byebye money.
Last night I lost a buy in when I had JJ on 873 flop with 2 callers. I bet $5 into $7 pot, one caller. turn is a 5, I bet $12, donk calls. River is a king. Pot is like $36, he has $24 left. I check figuring I'll only get called by a better hand so I might as well let the guy bluff. He shoves, I call...he shows me AKo :(
I'm now up $10 for the month in cash games after losing $230 the last two days. I keep making stupid mistakes. ARGH
I get check raised.
I somehow call the guy down or reshove.
Every fucking time the guy has flopped a set.
I did this not once, not twice, but three times this morning.
In other news, I lost $30 with QQ against a donk who called my $8 3 bet with K3 and flopped a king. He was a nut and just shoved the flop after calling out of position. It was a pot sized bet so I called and byebye money.
Last night I lost a buy in when I had JJ on 873 flop with 2 callers. I bet $5 into $7 pot, one caller. turn is a 5, I bet $12, donk calls. River is a king. Pot is like $36, he has $24 left. I check figuring I'll only get called by a better hand so I might as well let the guy bluff. He shoves, I call...he shows me AKo :(
I'm now up $10 for the month in cash games after losing $230 the last two days. I keep making stupid mistakes. ARGH
Didn;t know you were posting again...I have some catching up to do.
Posted by Riverrun | 4:00 PM
updates please!!
Posted by Matthew Feldman | 6:58 PM