Aggression is key
So the 2+2 thread here really reminded me of how key aggression is.
When I started playing NL again a few days ago, I slipped back into my old passive ways. I was calling with marginal hands out of the BB to defend and then check folding. I was calling a lot of hands in position trying outplay people post flop but not really pushing people out of hands. And i was definitely not opening enough pots from the CO and button.
And as the graph below shows, I have really been losing a lot when not getting to showdown. This says I wasn't buying enough pots, firing second barrels, raising people off medium weak hands and definitely not 3 betting enough.

Now maybe its just variance but I the graph makes it looks like I've learned how to stop the bleeding. Hand 2911 is the first hand of the session where I got my aggression back on.
It was another swingy day though. i was up $70 after a few hundred hands. I lost a buyin back after getting all in on the flop with over pair vs flush draw and then I played 3 hands really really horribly. the first two made me lose $100. I got too aggressive and lost $50 when i got check raised on a QT9 flop when holding AJ. for some reason I needed to shove and get called by QT. Need to reanalyze that hand.
The second big loss there was a badly played AQ I guess. I raised out of the BB to 7 after a button raise to 2. flop came A74. I led out and he min raised me. I shoved and of course he calls with AK.
The third hand I played really really horribly was my luckbox hand of the day after being on tilt from those other 2 hands. This all happened in a 5 minutes span by the way.
I raise from the BB to 3 after 2 limpers with AhQs. flop comes J63 all hearts. I bet 7 and they both call. Turn is 6s. Over $30 in the pot so I say "well I still have outs and fold equity." I shove and get called by both. One has me covered, the other only had $10 left. BOOM ACE ON THE RIVER. One guy had KcKs, other guy has 2s2h? So I won $70 back there and that got me focused again. I guess continuing to bet is a lot better than calling off there at least. So maybe this has better EV than I think it does. Will analyze this as well.
Now I paid more attention to what I was doing and made sure everything I did was done for a reason. It paid off and I ended up winning 137 for the day. Nice comeback.
I'm feeling good again about how I'm playing. I just need to keep focused and not let frustration overpower reason.
When I started playing NL again a few days ago, I slipped back into my old passive ways. I was calling with marginal hands out of the BB to defend and then check folding. I was calling a lot of hands in position trying outplay people post flop but not really pushing people out of hands. And i was definitely not opening enough pots from the CO and button.
And as the graph below shows, I have really been losing a lot when not getting to showdown. This says I wasn't buying enough pots, firing second barrels, raising people off medium weak hands and definitely not 3 betting enough.

Now maybe its just variance but I the graph makes it looks like I've learned how to stop the bleeding. Hand 2911 is the first hand of the session where I got my aggression back on.
It was another swingy day though. i was up $70 after a few hundred hands. I lost a buyin back after getting all in on the flop with over pair vs flush draw and then I played 3 hands really really horribly. the first two made me lose $100. I got too aggressive and lost $50 when i got check raised on a QT9 flop when holding AJ. for some reason I needed to shove and get called by QT. Need to reanalyze that hand.
The second big loss there was a badly played AQ I guess. I raised out of the BB to 7 after a button raise to 2. flop came A74. I led out and he min raised me. I shoved and of course he calls with AK.
The third hand I played really really horribly was my luckbox hand of the day after being on tilt from those other 2 hands. This all happened in a 5 minutes span by the way.
I raise from the BB to 3 after 2 limpers with AhQs. flop comes J63 all hearts. I bet 7 and they both call. Turn is 6s. Over $30 in the pot so I say "well I still have outs and fold equity." I shove and get called by both. One has me covered, the other only had $10 left. BOOM ACE ON THE RIVER. One guy had KcKs, other guy has 2s2h? So I won $70 back there and that got me focused again. I guess continuing to bet is a lot better than calling off there at least. So maybe this has better EV than I think it does. Will analyze this as well.
Now I paid more attention to what I was doing and made sure everything I did was done for a reason. It paid off and I ended up winning 137 for the day. Nice comeback.
I'm feeling good again about how I'm playing. I just need to keep focused and not let frustration overpower reason.
Didn't know you were posting again, Scott.
These hands look eerily familiar. Were you playing $50NL at Everest? I think I was the guy that called your AQ with QT when I flopped two-pair.
Posted by
Curatio |
4:41 PM