Finally feeling a little better but I'm still stuffed up. Didn't get to play much yesterday but I first hopped on Party to try to hit hand 2,800,000,000. I only played for 20 minutes on 2 tables and was up like $1.50. Joined the $20000 freeroll shortly thereafter and did well early but wasn't really paying attention because I was sick. I got in a hand with the big stack who was limping almost every hand. I had A5 in the big blind and the flop came A98. My 5 hit the turn and all our chips went in and he had 88 for the flopped set. I really played that hand horribly but I was ready to take a nap anyway.
I should have been out with my friends but since I was sick I jumped on Prima to play in Grinder's blog tourney. There were 8 players for a $5 Limit Hold'em tournament. I started out well and had an above average chip stack in the beginning of the tournament. I played extremely aggressive and managed to win quite a few pots with ace high. The first key hand for me was at the 25/50 level. I raised in middle position with AKs. BB called. Flop was like 732. BB checks, I bet, BB raises, I reraise, he calls. Turn was a Q I think (sorry my memory is shot) he checked, I bet, he folded.
I was stealing blinds a lot with decent hands. Then the key hand came. I think it was at the 100/200 level. UTG raised and I had AA on the button I think and reraised. Flop came KQx. He bet, I called. Turn was an A. He checked, I bet, he raised, I called. River was a blank he bet out and I raised. He called and showed AK and he only had like 200 chips left. I think I was almost at 4000 chips now.
I had built my stack up to about 6000 when it got down to 3 handed with bluefurryal and Grinder. Grinder was on a roller coaster ride and was down to his last couple hundred chips and somehow managed to take the chip lead. He kept having to go all in and winning. Meanwhile I kept getting decent cards for 3 handed play in the SB. bluefurryal kept owning me from the BB and I managed to lose the lead and was suddenly in 3rd place. Key hand to knock me down: Q9s in SB. I raise he calls. flop Qxx 2 hearts. I check raise him on the flop he calls. 9h on turn giving me 2 pair. I bet he calls. river is 4th heart. i check he bets I call, he has the Ah.
After an eternity of 3 handed play, the blinds were still shooting up and we finally knocked out Grinder. I won a nice hand with TT and then I had AJs on the button with 400/800 blinds. Low cards on the flop he bet I called. He checked the turn and I bet and took it down. He was running low on chips now and in the next few hands he got his chips all in and I won the tourney and the $20 first prize
My apologies for my memory not being better. Thanks for setting it up Grinder. May the flop be with you!
I should have been out with my friends but since I was sick I jumped on Prima to play in Grinder's blog tourney. There were 8 players for a $5 Limit Hold'em tournament. I started out well and had an above average chip stack in the beginning of the tournament. I played extremely aggressive and managed to win quite a few pots with ace high. The first key hand for me was at the 25/50 level. I raised in middle position with AKs. BB called. Flop was like 732. BB checks, I bet, BB raises, I reraise, he calls. Turn was a Q I think (sorry my memory is shot) he checked, I bet, he folded.
I was stealing blinds a lot with decent hands. Then the key hand came. I think it was at the 100/200 level. UTG raised and I had AA on the button I think and reraised. Flop came KQx. He bet, I called. Turn was an A. He checked, I bet, he raised, I called. River was a blank he bet out and I raised. He called and showed AK and he only had like 200 chips left. I think I was almost at 4000 chips now.
I had built my stack up to about 6000 when it got down to 3 handed with bluefurryal and Grinder. Grinder was on a roller coaster ride and was down to his last couple hundred chips and somehow managed to take the chip lead. He kept having to go all in and winning. Meanwhile I kept getting decent cards for 3 handed play in the SB. bluefurryal kept owning me from the BB and I managed to lose the lead and was suddenly in 3rd place. Key hand to knock me down: Q9s in SB. I raise he calls. flop Qxx 2 hearts. I check raise him on the flop he calls. 9h on turn giving me 2 pair. I bet he calls. river is 4th heart. i check he bets I call, he has the Ah.
After an eternity of 3 handed play, the blinds were still shooting up and we finally knocked out Grinder. I won a nice hand with TT and then I had AJs on the button with 400/800 blinds. Low cards on the flop he bet I called. He checked the turn and I bet and took it down. He was running low on chips now and in the next few hands he got his chips all in and I won the tourney and the $20 first prize
My apologies for my memory not being better. Thanks for setting it up Grinder. May the flop be with you!
"After an eternity of 3 handed play"
That was a brutal 20 minutes. Make sure you email me you home address - A Poker Padz is sort of wating for you.
Posted by
Rod |
12:45 PM