Almost back in black
1/2: +$20.75
1/2 kill: +$37.75
2/4 kill: +$8.75
SNGs: +3
MTTs: +29.92
October: -82.84 (much better than the -300 I was a few days ago.)
It has been a good weekend. I feel like I am playing well and I've done well with table selection too. I played my first limit sit and go on PokerStars and came in 2nd. Finished 8th in the NL SNG I tried. Flop 842 I had 99. I had raise preflop and got called by the big blind. big blind bet out and i raised all in. He called with TT. sigh oh well.
I played the $5 multi table speed tourney today as well. 2118 entrants and top 220 got paid. I was chip leader a few times until I screwed up royally. I had a shot to win this thing and I blew it. There were about 50 of us less and I had 155k chips with blinds of 30k/60k. Chip leader at the table was in the Big Blind with 180k chips. I get dealt AA and instead of raising for some reason I just call. Folds around to big blind who checks and flop comes K82 with two clubs. She pushes all in with K2 of clubs. Of course the 5th club comes on the turn and even though I have the ace of clubs and a shot on the river, it doesn't happen and I get knocked out in 47th. Sigh. SLOW PLAYING KILLS. I keep telling myself that and I knew as soon as I hit the call button that I was going to regret it. The blinds were huge and I should have just taken them rather than getting cute and trying to take out other people with my AA. oh well. I'll try the speed tourney again. It is a lot of fun and over quickly which is nice. I won $35.92 for about 1hr 20min of work :)
Thats about it for now...may the flop be with you!
1/2: +$20.75
1/2 kill: +$37.75
2/4 kill: +$8.75
SNGs: +3
MTTs: +29.92
October: -82.84 (much better than the -300 I was a few days ago.)
It has been a good weekend. I feel like I am playing well and I've done well with table selection too. I played my first limit sit and go on PokerStars and came in 2nd. Finished 8th in the NL SNG I tried. Flop 842 I had 99. I had raise preflop and got called by the big blind. big blind bet out and i raised all in. He called with TT. sigh oh well.
I played the $5 multi table speed tourney today as well. 2118 entrants and top 220 got paid. I was chip leader a few times until I screwed up royally. I had a shot to win this thing and I blew it. There were about 50 of us less and I had 155k chips with blinds of 30k/60k. Chip leader at the table was in the Big Blind with 180k chips. I get dealt AA and instead of raising for some reason I just call. Folds around to big blind who checks and flop comes K82 with two clubs. She pushes all in with K2 of clubs. Of course the 5th club comes on the turn and even though I have the ace of clubs and a shot on the river, it doesn't happen and I get knocked out in 47th. Sigh. SLOW PLAYING KILLS. I keep telling myself that and I knew as soon as I hit the call button that I was going to regret it. The blinds were huge and I should have just taken them rather than getting cute and trying to take out other people with my AA. oh well. I'll try the speed tourney again. It is a lot of fun and over quickly which is nice. I won $35.92 for about 1hr 20min of work :)
Thats about it for now...may the flop be with you!
Sounds like you've stumbled upon a leak or two that you could fix.
Your mentioned that you had 99 and went all-in on a flop that was all below your 9. Your opponent called your raise pre-flop. Think about why he would have called. Is it possible he has a bigger pair? Yes. Then why risk an all-in at that point. Test the waters a bit. Put in a good pot sized bet instead of an all-in. If you get called or reraised then the warning bells will go off. Remember one of the golden rules of poker - Don't fall in love with top pair.
As for the slowplaying Aces. Ya - you gotta raise them everytime. You can't afford a cheap peak at the flop by a blind. Only time to slow play is when you KNOW another player is likely to raise. As I read in Phil Gordon's Little Green Book, keep your preflop raises all consistant and vary only because of the position you are in and not because of how strong your hand is.
If you are first to bet into a pot and were going to play the hand anyway - always RAISE!!! Puts the pressure on the other players. A call simply allows them to get more ideas. As Phil says - be the Table Captain.
Posted by
Dave |
12:24 PM