Chiptalk 2nd Quarter Tournament of Champions
Last night was the Single Table Tournament of Champions for the 2nd quarter which I was fortunate to sneak into 1st place in points last week with a 2nd place finish.
Last night was a single table with the top 9 points earners.
It started out well and I was picking up lots of nice hands early. We started with 1500 chips and I worked up to 2100 early.
I see AKo UTG and to my left is a short stack of 500 chips at the 25/50 blind level. He is a very aggressive player and I know he will push with any decent hand. So I decide to try a play that I recently read in Harrington on Hold'em 3. He says many top pros like to limp reraise with AK UTG. This gives the appearance that you limped with aces and even if you get called you still have AK and are only really dead to AA. AK vs KK is still only a 70/30 underdog.
So I'm hoping either I can pull this limp reraise off OR short stack goes all in with a dominated hand.
Short stack indeed pushes, folded to me and I call of course.
I have AKo he has KTs
Of course he flops a flush draw, I hit my ace on the turn and then he flushes on the river. Oh well. The play worked as I had hope and I was just on the wrong side of the percentages that time.
I'm only about a third of the way through HoH3 but I feel like between that, my experience at the WSOP and some things I've picked up in some of the podcasts I've been listening too that I've really gotten better at reading the action. I guess paying more attention helps too. I think I've been doing less multitasking while playing also.
So anyway I managed to get my stack back up by stealing some pots and I got into the money with 3 left as the short stack. Didn't really see many good hands but I managed to push and not get called for a few rounds. I pushed almost every time I was on the button but mostly folded in the blinds unless I had something half decent. Luckily I then find JJ in the BB and the SB pushed all in with 63s. JJ held up and I was second in chips now. I managed to knock him out and then first hand I check raised a flop all in with a flush draw and took the pot down. I was now up 8k to 4k in chips and I raised to 600 with ATo, opponent reraises all in. I call he has A5 and my kicker holds up and I win the tournament yay! Net $68 win (It was a $20+2 tournament).
As added prizes I get a $20 gift certificate from and a custom dealer button from :)
Thanks to Curatio for pointing out my stupid hand history that I posted (and now fixed). Man I need to get my challenge going again. You are doing so well keep it up!
I have about 400 of the 1000 points I need on Sun Poker to get my Nevada Jacks set. Hoping to get it by our next tournament in mid September.
Have a good weekend!
Last night was a single table with the top 9 points earners.
It started out well and I was picking up lots of nice hands early. We started with 1500 chips and I worked up to 2100 early.
I see AKo UTG and to my left is a short stack of 500 chips at the 25/50 blind level. He is a very aggressive player and I know he will push with any decent hand. So I decide to try a play that I recently read in Harrington on Hold'em 3. He says many top pros like to limp reraise with AK UTG. This gives the appearance that you limped with aces and even if you get called you still have AK and are only really dead to AA. AK vs KK is still only a 70/30 underdog.
So I'm hoping either I can pull this limp reraise off OR short stack goes all in with a dominated hand.
Short stack indeed pushes, folded to me and I call of course.
I have AKo he has KTs
Of course he flops a flush draw, I hit my ace on the turn and then he flushes on the river. Oh well. The play worked as I had hope and I was just on the wrong side of the percentages that time.
I'm only about a third of the way through HoH3 but I feel like between that, my experience at the WSOP and some things I've picked up in some of the podcasts I've been listening too that I've really gotten better at reading the action. I guess paying more attention helps too. I think I've been doing less multitasking while playing also.
So anyway I managed to get my stack back up by stealing some pots and I got into the money with 3 left as the short stack. Didn't really see many good hands but I managed to push and not get called for a few rounds. I pushed almost every time I was on the button but mostly folded in the blinds unless I had something half decent. Luckily I then find JJ in the BB and the SB pushed all in with 63s. JJ held up and I was second in chips now. I managed to knock him out and then first hand I check raised a flop all in with a flush draw and took the pot down. I was now up 8k to 4k in chips and I raised to 600 with ATo, opponent reraises all in. I call he has A5 and my kicker holds up and I win the tournament yay! Net $68 win (It was a $20+2 tournament).
As added prizes I get a $20 gift certificate from and a custom dealer button from :)
Thanks to Curatio for pointing out my stupid hand history that I posted (and now fixed). Man I need to get my challenge going again. You are doing so well keep it up!
I have about 400 of the 1000 points I need on Sun Poker to get my Nevada Jacks set. Hoping to get it by our next tournament in mid September.
Have a good weekend!
Another nice finish. You are becoming quite the tournament player! If you qualify for WSOP next year, you'll have to let me buy some stake :)
Posted by
Curatio |
3:33 AM