Vegas Trip Report
If you didn't read my last post, you should now :) That has my Monday log and my WSOP experience.
The rest of my trip didn't go as well at the Poker tables. I played 8 sessions of cash games and was in the red in 6 of them.
Saturday Night - Imperial Palace 1/2 NL $100 buy in
Started out playing half decent, up $20 at one point but staying around even. Then new guy comes to the table and becomes the BB. I'm the SB and I find AA and raise to $10 - BB calls, another limper calls.
Flop J72. I lead out $15, BB raises to $45. I think about it for a minute and finally reraise all in. He calls with KJ and hits the K on the river. And thus my demise begins.
I buy back in for another $100 and I don't really hit any other hands and end up down $130 altogether.
The Imperial Palace poker room isn't great but I was staying there so it was easy to just play at night and then go right to bed.
Sunday Night - Caesars Palace 3/6 Limit
The NL games were full so I got on the 3/6 list so I could play for an hour and check out the Caesars card room. It was nice and secluded but wasn't spectacular.
I played well and was up $20 until the table got shorthanded. My demise came when hyper aggressive player raises, I call on the button with AQ. Flop comes 742. He leads out, I raise trying to push him off overcards, he reraises (sigh), I call. Turn is a 7. I'm sure he has an overpair though so we go check check and he leads the river and I fold. He shows KK. So I leave Caesars -30.
Besides playing in the WSOP, I also got to meet up with RiverRun27 from the PSO forum. Unbeknownst to me, he was having breakfast with MikeJ who also showed up with his girlfriend, Dugglebogey and (sorry I forget the whole name) Luckyone? Lucky something. My apologies if you read this. MikeJ decided to join in Event 17 as well and he and Riverrun ended up as alternates on the same table. They finally got on tables around 1 and got knocked out an hour or two later. Riverrun stuck around most of the day (thanks!) and Dlk9s from PSO showed up to do WSOP coverage. We all went to dinner at Gold Coast buffet which was pretty good and uncrowded which was beautiful. Thanks for the meals and the company.
Tuesday afternoon - Venetian 1/2 NL $200 buy in
The Venetian has a beautiful card room. Right up there with, if not better than Bellagio and Wynn. The game was nice too. There was a guy who was just feeding the table his chips there and I finally got to take advantage.
3 limpers and I check the BB with 88. Flop came T86. I lead out size of the pot $10 and button raises to $20. I call. Turn is a 7. I check and he doesn't look excited and checks his cards. As soon as he had to look, I knew he didn't have a 9. He bets $20 and I reraise to $50. He calls. River is a blank and he shows KK.
I finish +58 yay
Tuesday night - Imperial Palace 1/2 NL $200 buy in
Nothing goes right and I hate straddles. -$99
Wednesday - Luxor 1/2 NL $50 buy in
We stayed at Luxor Wednesday and Thursday so I was there and all they have is $50 NL. You can actually buy another $50 once you have below $50 but I decided to just fart around as the small stack.
Afternoon - Played well and finally hit a couple of hands. +$75
Night - Played like crap and gave back $100
Thursday - Mandalay Bay 1/2 NL $200 buy in
Session 1 -
Started out on a bad note with my first hand. JJ in BB. SB raised to 10, I called. Flop comes T82. He bet out 10, I raise to 30, he calls. Turn A, check-check. River Q, check-check. He has AQ.
End that session -$92
Session 2 -
Good - I finally hit a flush with Q9 of diamonds.
Bad - Other guy has the AK of diamonds.
I lose $145 :(
Total damage about $465 in the hole. Ugh. Thank goodness for the WSOP cash!
Things I learned this trip:
1) I like playing online cash games much more than in the casino. Online people make smaller raises, min bet and it is much easier to bluff for me.
2) I like playing live tournaments more than online. I like the extended blind rounds and it was easier to get people to lay down hands.
3) It is so much easier to raise with junk and steal blinds online. I felt like some of these guys could see right through me.
4) Playing live was a lot of fun but I still have a lot to experience and learn.
Other stuff:
With the WSOP cash I decided to get a keepsake so I got a nice shiny card guard that has WSOP Tournament Player written on it as well as a cheap t-shirt.
Got a whole lot of free t-shirts from the online poker room setups at Rio. I also got Greg Raymer to sign the free t-shirt I got from Pokerstars.
Harrah's and the hotels they own are having a promotion where you get a card stamped at each hotel and you get a gift at the 3rd and 6th. So we ended up with 7 sweatshirts, 2 jackets, 2 t-shirts and 2 beach towels I think.
That's about it for now. I'm probably forgetting something, but that's it for now. May the flop be with you!
The rest of my trip didn't go as well at the Poker tables. I played 8 sessions of cash games and was in the red in 6 of them.
Saturday Night - Imperial Palace 1/2 NL $100 buy in
Started out playing half decent, up $20 at one point but staying around even. Then new guy comes to the table and becomes the BB. I'm the SB and I find AA and raise to $10 - BB calls, another limper calls.
Flop J72. I lead out $15, BB raises to $45. I think about it for a minute and finally reraise all in. He calls with KJ and hits the K on the river. And thus my demise begins.
I buy back in for another $100 and I don't really hit any other hands and end up down $130 altogether.
The Imperial Palace poker room isn't great but I was staying there so it was easy to just play at night and then go right to bed.
Sunday Night - Caesars Palace 3/6 Limit
The NL games were full so I got on the 3/6 list so I could play for an hour and check out the Caesars card room. It was nice and secluded but wasn't spectacular.
I played well and was up $20 until the table got shorthanded. My demise came when hyper aggressive player raises, I call on the button with AQ. Flop comes 742. He leads out, I raise trying to push him off overcards, he reraises (sigh), I call. Turn is a 7. I'm sure he has an overpair though so we go check check and he leads the river and I fold. He shows KK. So I leave Caesars -30.
Besides playing in the WSOP, I also got to meet up with RiverRun27 from the PSO forum. Unbeknownst to me, he was having breakfast with MikeJ who also showed up with his girlfriend, Dugglebogey and (sorry I forget the whole name) Luckyone? Lucky something. My apologies if you read this. MikeJ decided to join in Event 17 as well and he and Riverrun ended up as alternates on the same table. They finally got on tables around 1 and got knocked out an hour or two later. Riverrun stuck around most of the day (thanks!) and Dlk9s from PSO showed up to do WSOP coverage. We all went to dinner at Gold Coast buffet which was pretty good and uncrowded which was beautiful. Thanks for the meals and the company.
Tuesday afternoon - Venetian 1/2 NL $200 buy in
The Venetian has a beautiful card room. Right up there with, if not better than Bellagio and Wynn. The game was nice too. There was a guy who was just feeding the table his chips there and I finally got to take advantage.
3 limpers and I check the BB with 88. Flop came T86. I lead out size of the pot $10 and button raises to $20. I call. Turn is a 7. I check and he doesn't look excited and checks his cards. As soon as he had to look, I knew he didn't have a 9. He bets $20 and I reraise to $50. He calls. River is a blank and he shows KK.
I finish +58 yay
Tuesday night - Imperial Palace 1/2 NL $200 buy in
Nothing goes right and I hate straddles. -$99
Wednesday - Luxor 1/2 NL $50 buy in
We stayed at Luxor Wednesday and Thursday so I was there and all they have is $50 NL. You can actually buy another $50 once you have below $50 but I decided to just fart around as the small stack.
Afternoon - Played well and finally hit a couple of hands. +$75
Night - Played like crap and gave back $100
Thursday - Mandalay Bay 1/2 NL $200 buy in
Session 1 -
Started out on a bad note with my first hand. JJ in BB. SB raised to 10, I called. Flop comes T82. He bet out 10, I raise to 30, he calls. Turn A, check-check. River Q, check-check. He has AQ.
End that session -$92
Session 2 -
Good - I finally hit a flush with Q9 of diamonds.
Bad - Other guy has the AK of diamonds.
I lose $145 :(
Total damage about $465 in the hole. Ugh. Thank goodness for the WSOP cash!
Things I learned this trip:
1) I like playing online cash games much more than in the casino. Online people make smaller raises, min bet and it is much easier to bluff for me.
2) I like playing live tournaments more than online. I like the extended blind rounds and it was easier to get people to lay down hands.
3) It is so much easier to raise with junk and steal blinds online. I felt like some of these guys could see right through me.
4) Playing live was a lot of fun but I still have a lot to experience and learn.
Other stuff:
With the WSOP cash I decided to get a keepsake so I got a nice shiny card guard that has WSOP Tournament Player written on it as well as a cheap t-shirt.
Got a whole lot of free t-shirts from the online poker room setups at Rio. I also got Greg Raymer to sign the free t-shirt I got from Pokerstars.
Harrah's and the hotels they own are having a promotion where you get a card stamped at each hotel and you get a gift at the 3rd and 6th. So we ended up with 7 sweatshirts, 2 jackets, 2 t-shirts and 2 beach towels I think.
That's about it for now. I'm probably forgetting something, but that's it for now. May the flop be with you!
Live poker is so rigged. I actually prefer it to online except you can't multitable. Still sounds like you had a great time.
Posted by
Wes917 |
1:51 AM
Sounds like you had a lot of fun, while gaining some valuable experience as well. Hope your wife wasn't too poker'ed out, though. Can't wait 'til next year, hopefully I can earn a seat and meet you at the tables!
Posted by
Curatio |
2:54 AM
great job again scott. I just got my internet access back so ill post my report sometime soon.
Posted by
Riverrun |
9:24 AM
Grats on your cashing in your WSOP tourney! Good to hear you're taking your game to another level. I'm back playing again after a 1/2 year hiatus. Maybe we'll see you next year in a Vegas tourney.
Posted by
Dave |
4:59 PM