There are always situations in hands where you just don't see them often enough to know what to do or perhaps have just never seen them at all even after playing thousands of hands. I also seem to have a problem holding on to overpairs too long.
.25/.50 NL
Last night I had TT on the button with $40 left in my stack.
UTG raises to $2 and has us all covered. UTG is a loose aggressive player and can have anything from AK, AQ, any pair, suited connectors.
3 callers and I call.
BB reraises to $5 and only has $10 left behind.
UTG calls, so I narrow his range down to AK-AJ, pairs 99-22, maybe suited connectors. The pot is $17 at this point and I'd have to think AA-JJ reraises here and TT is unlikely because I have the other 2 tens.
The rest of us all call.
There is now $30 in the pot.
Flop comes 742 with 2 hearts.
Now the befuddling part:
BB bets out $2.25 - I'm thinking now maybe he only has AK/AQ?
UTG min-raises to $4.50 ? 88? 99? set?
Those are some weak ass bets into a $30 pot.
Now I have my overpair with TT. I have $35 left. My first thought was raise to $15 and fold to a push. But then I thought, the pot is so big maybe the other guy pushes with 88 or 99?
So I do reraise to $15 and BB calls and UTG pushes. Now its a $20 call for me to win over $100. Is folding really a good move? I call.
BB has QQ
UTG has 77 for the flopped set.
I go busto
I'm still not sure what the best play here is. Any thoughts? I think I'll post this hand on a forum somewhere.
Luckily I've made that $40 back already so no biggie :) May the flop be with you!
.25/.50 NL
Last night I had TT on the button with $40 left in my stack.
UTG raises to $2 and has us all covered. UTG is a loose aggressive player and can have anything from AK, AQ, any pair, suited connectors.
3 callers and I call.
BB reraises to $5 and only has $10 left behind.
UTG calls, so I narrow his range down to AK-AJ, pairs 99-22, maybe suited connectors. The pot is $17 at this point and I'd have to think AA-JJ reraises here and TT is unlikely because I have the other 2 tens.
The rest of us all call.
There is now $30 in the pot.
Flop comes 742 with 2 hearts.
Now the befuddling part:
BB bets out $2.25 - I'm thinking now maybe he only has AK/AQ?
UTG min-raises to $4.50 ? 88? 99? set?
Those are some weak ass bets into a $30 pot.
Now I have my overpair with TT. I have $35 left. My first thought was raise to $15 and fold to a push. But then I thought, the pot is so big maybe the other guy pushes with 88 or 99?
So I do reraise to $15 and BB calls and UTG pushes. Now its a $20 call for me to win over $100. Is folding really a good move? I call.
BB has QQ
UTG has 77 for the flopped set.
I go busto
I'm still not sure what the best play here is. Any thoughts? I think I'll post this hand on a forum somewhere.
Luckily I've made that $40 back already so no biggie :) May the flop be with you!
I think you were right to re-raise after the min-raise. With such weak betting, there's a chance your TT is still good, and a re-raise will let you know where you stand as well as give you some fold equity. After the all-in, though, I would have folded. The push would likely mean your TT is no good, and you would have to make your set by the river. Thus, with two outs, you would need 11:1 to call, but the pot is only giving you 5:1.
In hindsight, you can see why he min-raised. With the flopped set, he has a fairly strong hand, and wants to slow play it to trap you. But with such a weak bet in front of him, he doesn't just want to call, yet he doesn't want to raise anyone out of the pot, either. So he compromises and min-raises.
Posted by
Curatio |
12:25 AM
Oh, and as for 88 or 99 pushing 'cause the pot is so big - I think maybe in a tournament this could be true, or in a cash game if the guy is short-stacked, but not in this situation where the guy has a pretty big stack.
Posted by
Curatio |
12:38 AM