September in Review
The month started out great and I was quickly up about $300 along with about $300 in bonus money after about 6 days and it was shaping up to be a big month. Unfortunately everything went south at Titan Poker and UltimateBet and I got clobbered. The Prima sites were all good to me fortunately. As you can see from the chart I got my clock cleaned right before I went on vacation. I came back strong and then had that crappy downturn on the final day of the month.
The chart below is just the limit hands I have in PokerTracker so it isn't perfectly accurate mind you. I'm missing about a $150 loss on Titan, a $100 win on Pacific and all my tournament play.
Money Earned: $132.56
Bonus Earned: $590
September Total: $722.56
So not horrible but I easily should have been over 1k. My big losses all came on 4 or 5 tables where I kept getting big hands cracked.

So I didn't make a ton this month but at least I still managed to stay in positive territory. I took a couple of shots at 2/4 and 3/6 that didn't work out all that great which didn't help either. I'm going to keep trying at those limits when I see some loose play there. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you all posted! May the flop be with you!
The chart below is just the limit hands I have in PokerTracker so it isn't perfectly accurate mind you. I'm missing about a $150 loss on Titan, a $100 win on Pacific and all my tournament play.
Money Earned: $132.56
Bonus Earned: $590
September Total: $722.56
So not horrible but I easily should have been over 1k. My big losses all came on 4 or 5 tables where I kept getting big hands cracked.

So I didn't make a ton this month but at least I still managed to stay in positive territory. I took a couple of shots at 2/4 and 3/6 that didn't work out all that great which didn't help either. I'm going to keep trying at those limits when I see some loose play there. We'll see what happens and I'll keep you all posted! May the flop be with you!