Sorry I haven't been updating as much. I really should. I have been sucking it up lately and am kind of ashamed. Lately I'm just getting hammered. I think I have been playing pretty solidly too. I have made money on my 1/2 tables but I am playing mostly 2/4 now and none of my big hands are holding up. On Saturday my 9 biggest money losers in this order were:
AA: -28
ATs: -26
TT: -22
QQ: -14
ATo: -10
AQs: -8.50
AKo: -6.75
KQo: -5.75
KK: -5.50
My biggest money winners on Saturday were 22, A4s, 32s, QJo.
Something is just wrong with that picture.
Anyhow, I am down about $140 so far this month but I'm about to clear a $100 bonus which will put me close to even. I just need to get back on my winning track.
My biggest problem has been UltimateBet where I am -370 over my last 6 sessions playing 2/4 and one session of 3/6.
One of my destructive hands came on 2/4 Kill where I got AA on a kill hand (so the stakes were now 4/8). I raised in CO, Button called, BB called. BB was a Loose aggressive player bordering on maniac. flop comes QJ4 rainbow. BB bets out, I raise, button reraises. BB calls and I call. Turn is a Ten. BB bets out again, we both call. river is a blank BB bets out, we both call. BB shows 98 for the straight. HOW DO YOU BET OUT WITH A GUTSHOT STRAIGHT DRAW THEN CALL TWO BETS BACK TO YOU. Just boggles my mind. Button had KQ for top pair. It is hands like these where it just gets frustrating losing like $40 in one hand when I should have won a huge pot. oh well. back to the drawing board.
Til next time...may the flop be with you (and me)!
AA: -28
ATs: -26
TT: -22
QQ: -14
ATo: -10
AQs: -8.50
AKo: -6.75
KQo: -5.75
KK: -5.50
My biggest money winners on Saturday were 22, A4s, 32s, QJo.
Something is just wrong with that picture.
Anyhow, I am down about $140 so far this month but I'm about to clear a $100 bonus which will put me close to even. I just need to get back on my winning track.
My biggest problem has been UltimateBet where I am -370 over my last 6 sessions playing 2/4 and one session of 3/6.
One of my destructive hands came on 2/4 Kill where I got AA on a kill hand (so the stakes were now 4/8). I raised in CO, Button called, BB called. BB was a Loose aggressive player bordering on maniac. flop comes QJ4 rainbow. BB bets out, I raise, button reraises. BB calls and I call. Turn is a Ten. BB bets out again, we both call. river is a blank BB bets out, we both call. BB shows 98 for the straight. HOW DO YOU BET OUT WITH A GUTSHOT STRAIGHT DRAW THEN CALL TWO BETS BACK TO YOU. Just boggles my mind. Button had KQ for top pair. It is hands like these where it just gets frustrating losing like $40 in one hand when I should have won a huge pot. oh well. back to the drawing board.
Til next time...may the flop be with you (and me)!
Ug. I feel your pain. Seems like the more people I talk with, the more that October has been a tough month and has been belonging to the fishes.
You stated: "Anyhow, I am down about $140 so far this month but I'm about to clear a $100 bonus which will put me close to even."
Funny how you'll be getting $100 off a bonus and end up down all that and more. Almost feels like the poker site is already taking the money out of you only to give most of it back.
I've stopped going for bonuses for a while and am going to just grind it out with the existing bankroll. My October has been flat and has been tough to make any progress.
I've seen more drawouts this month than any other. Are the fish just getting lucky or what?
Time to pull out the big weapons and give 'em some payback.
One things for sure, if you raise from an early position and one fish calls, it can trigger several others to call. Players are drawn to a big pot. As the books say, big pocket pairs hate company but drawing hands love it.
Posted by
Dave |
6:32 PM