Get out of the kiddy pool
I finally decided to take a stab at 3/6 6max. I started with a table on Golden Palace and my second hand I preceded to get smacked down with AJ against AK when 2 aces flopped. So I was -60 after my first couple rounds at the table. I managed to get about 15 of that back and down only -45.
I didn't let that hold me back and decided I'd go to Party since I have a bonus pending and I have the added value of PokerTracker. I brought up a couple tables and got onto the waiting lists after seeing that there were a couple of bad players at each table. As the waiting list went down I got more and more nervous. Unfortunately when I finally got on these tables, just like earlier, I started out down. I was getting eaten alive by some aggressive players and it took me a while to get my bearing and the balls to play back with nothing couple of times.
So at one point I was down about -130. -80 on one table and -50 on the other. Then I figured out what the hell I was doing and everything started to click. I also got lucky when the sharks started leaving the tables. At one point I was heads up with a really bad player who looked like me when I first got on the table. He folded to almost any aggression. So the -50 table suddenly became +10 :) On the flip side, my -80 soon became -30 when I flopped a set. I played about 2 and a half hours or so and finished up +90 overall.
I'll try again tonight and see if I can do the same. I have a goal to make $2000 by the end of the month. I'll include bonuses in that to make it a little easier on myself :) Until next time...may the flop be with you.
I didn't let that hold me back and decided I'd go to Party since I have a bonus pending and I have the added value of PokerTracker. I brought up a couple tables and got onto the waiting lists after seeing that there were a couple of bad players at each table. As the waiting list went down I got more and more nervous. Unfortunately when I finally got on these tables, just like earlier, I started out down. I was getting eaten alive by some aggressive players and it took me a while to get my bearing and the balls to play back with nothing couple of times.
So at one point I was down about -130. -80 on one table and -50 on the other. Then I figured out what the hell I was doing and everything started to click. I also got lucky when the sharks started leaving the tables. At one point I was heads up with a really bad player who looked like me when I first got on the table. He folded to almost any aggression. So the -50 table suddenly became +10 :) On the flip side, my -80 soon became -30 when I flopped a set. I played about 2 and a half hours or so and finished up +90 overall.
I'll try again tonight and see if I can do the same. I have a goal to make $2000 by the end of the month. I'll include bonuses in that to make it a little easier on myself :) Until next time...may the flop be with you.
I love your goal - simply make $2000 by the end of the month. Doh! That's my problem, I'm just trying to increase my bankroll 10% each month. I should shoot for the moon and say - heck I want to win a 1000+ player $20+ buy-in MTT!!
OK so maybe that's not going to happen, but I did manage a 2nd place in a 500+ player $1 MTT - lol.
Maybe it's time for me to get out of the kiddy pool too and do some real gambuuuling!
Let's get this ChipTalk Tilter Team thing going too. Getting anxious waiting around for our first matches.
Posted by
Dave |
2:51 PM