hi riverrun
>Riverrun has left a new comment on your post "poker haiku":
>"are you alive? "
I was pretty much breaking even / losing a little for a couple months and then I went on vacation in March.
Since then I have only really played the Monday and Thursday night Chiptalk.net forum tourneys, last week's PSO league tourney and a couple of Pokerstars WSOP step tourneys (on step 3 currently).
Haven't really had the urge to play month. Been nice having more time to do other things.
I guess I'm just kind of burned out on poker. I've even stopped listening to all the poker podcasts. Only forum I really check now is chiptalk.net a few times a day and PSO maybe once a day.
Hope you are doing well Ryan and everyone else who still checks in on this blog!
I probably won't update much unless something exciting happens. Good luck to everyone at the tables!
>"are you alive? "
I was pretty much breaking even / losing a little for a couple months and then I went on vacation in March.
Since then I have only really played the Monday and Thursday night Chiptalk.net forum tourneys, last week's PSO league tourney and a couple of Pokerstars WSOP step tourneys (on step 3 currently).
Haven't really had the urge to play month. Been nice having more time to do other things.
I guess I'm just kind of burned out on poker. I've even stopped listening to all the poker podcasts. Only forum I really check now is chiptalk.net a few times a day and PSO maybe once a day.
Hope you are doing well Ryan and everyone else who still checks in on this blog!
I probably won't update much unless something exciting happens. Good luck to everyone at the tables!