hi riverrun
>Riverrun has left a new comment on your post "poker haiku":
>"are you alive? "
I was pretty much breaking even / losing a little for a couple months and then I went on vacation in March.
Since then I have only really played the Monday and Thursday night Chiptalk.net forum tourneys, last week's PSO league tourney and a couple of Pokerstars WSOP step tourneys (on step 3 currently).
Haven't really had the urge to play month. Been nice having more time to do other things.
I guess I'm just kind of burned out on poker. I've even stopped listening to all the poker podcasts. Only forum I really check now is chiptalk.net a few times a day and PSO maybe once a day.
Hope you are doing well Ryan and everyone else who still checks in on this blog!
I probably won't update much unless something exciting happens. Good luck to everyone at the tables!
>"are you alive? "
I was pretty much breaking even / losing a little for a couple months and then I went on vacation in March.
Since then I have only really played the Monday and Thursday night Chiptalk.net forum tourneys, last week's PSO league tourney and a couple of Pokerstars WSOP step tourneys (on step 3 currently).
Haven't really had the urge to play month. Been nice having more time to do other things.
I guess I'm just kind of burned out on poker. I've even stopped listening to all the poker podcasts. Only forum I really check now is chiptalk.net a few times a day and PSO maybe once a day.
Hope you are doing well Ryan and everyone else who still checks in on this blog!
I probably won't update much unless something exciting happens. Good luck to everyone at the tables!
Hi Scott. Wondered if you were still playing the Chiptalk tourneys. I've been playing only sparingly and just single table SNGs on pokerstars these days. I'm more of a beer geek as of late and poker is just a passing thought. Good to hear you're live and well. Say "hi" to the Nutz and Chiptalk folk for me. Chipper Dave
Posted by
Dave |
10:37 AM
I haven't been playing too much either. Thanks for the update btw. Actyper and I have been working on our new project www.pokertrainingguide.com. I would love a link on your side bar called "poker training" if you get a chance. This site has been taking up most of my spare time but I think will be worth it in the long run. Keep in touch. Ryan
Posted by
Riverrun |
11:51 AM