Moving up not going well
So I'm down 5 buy ins at $50 NL now.
My $700 bankroll is now around $400 after some tourneys as well.
I've been getting money in bad for the most part along with a KK vs AK all in preflop that an ace hit and a couple of coin flips not going my way.
I still feel like I can beat $50NL, I'm just overvaluing my one pair hands on the flop. I should fold to most raises at this level instead of reraising with TPTK and losing my stack to sets and flopped straights against tight players :( I need to get the "but they could be bluffing me" cry out of my head and just realize that YES YOU ARE GOING TO GET BLUFFED. It is part of the game and risk losing 100 big blinds when you only have maybe 10 invested in the pot is not usually a good idea unless you have a lot of information on a player to tell you otherwise.
My $700 bankroll is now around $400 after some tourneys as well.
I've been getting money in bad for the most part along with a KK vs AK all in preflop that an ace hit and a couple of coin flips not going my way.
I still feel like I can beat $50NL, I'm just overvaluing my one pair hands on the flop. I should fold to most raises at this level instead of reraising with TPTK and losing my stack to sets and flopped straights against tight players :( I need to get the "but they could be bluffing me" cry out of my head and just realize that YES YOU ARE GOING TO GET BLUFFED. It is part of the game and risk losing 100 big blinds when you only have maybe 10 invested in the pot is not usually a good idea unless you have a lot of information on a player to tell you otherwise.
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Like you I've moved up in limits where I've played some 500NL (over my head a bit) but mainly 100 or 200NL (started at 25NL) But you have to play YOUR game no matter what stakes your at. You can't be intimidated by the $ your playing for.
I think you are a good enough player to be playing higher than 50NL, if your bankroll could support it.
Posted by
Gold999 |
2:52 PM
there is nothing wrong getting it in on the flop with TPTK, as long as you are doing it against the right players. Getting it in against bad loose aggressives and maniacs that are willing to take shots at you with tons of draws and worse hands is good.
Getting it in against nitty TAGs that aren't c/r'ing or bet-3-betting without at least two pair or bottom set is a bad play. Also before you get it in always think about your table image at that particular table. Have you been easy to push off hands. Have you been really really aggressive but noone has seen you SD. Have you been moving a lot of chips but consistently shown big hands. Because a lot of time their reaction is going to be based on 1) their opinion of their hand and 2) their opinion of the likelihood that you have a worse hand or will fold a better hand.
There are guys I will c/r shove the turn with a flush draw when I know they have TP, and their are guys that I won't even call a flop raise with TPTK.
you know all of the above, but I figured it couldn't help to type up a reminder. You are definitely good enough to beat 50NL, just don't get frustrated and start doubting your decisions at the table.
Posted by
Jim Perry |
4:24 PM