Downswing fun
my biggest downswing ever unfortunately
All hands played at $50 NL
The top of the mountain was Thursday night when I won $90 and then I
seemed to have gone to sleep then woken up Friday and forgotten how to
win :(
The last 3 days I've started up about +$30 and then the downward
spirals took hold. Down 100, 177 and 162 the last 3 days. The nice run
before that was from the 19th to the 27th where I didn't have a losing
day. Still up for the month at least so all is good (kind of!)
So I've lost almost 10 buyins and I attribute probably 4 buyins to
tilt. I was running great and about to move back up to 100 NL but I've
got some work to do now.
Variance sucks but this is why bankroll management is your friend!
Click the graphic to see it larger!

All hands played at $50 NL
The top of the mountain was Thursday night when I won $90 and then I
seemed to have gone to sleep then woken up Friday and forgotten how to
win :(
The last 3 days I've started up about +$30 and then the downward
spirals took hold. Down 100, 177 and 162 the last 3 days. The nice run
before that was from the 19th to the 27th where I didn't have a losing
day. Still up for the month at least so all is good (kind of!)
So I've lost almost 10 buyins and I attribute probably 4 buyins to
tilt. I was running great and about to move back up to 100 NL but I've
got some work to do now.
Variance sucks but this is why bankroll management is your friend!
Click the graphic to see it larger!