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Sunday, December 31, 2006 

Pokerstars Rebuy Tourney

I just got knocked out of the $11 rebuy. Only took the add on so I was in for $21 total. I got lucky a couple of times on the river to stay in it and managed to finish in 203rd.

I pushed KT and got called by AJ

Flop KTx

Turn Q to give him the straight

No help on the river and I was done.

Won $72.93 though so not too bad. Damn that straight!

Thursday, December 28, 2006 

6 max is not nice to me

Dropped $50 at 1/2 6 max yesterday.

Guy to my right was mister over aggressive check raiser. If we were heads up and I was in position, it didn't matter what the flop was, I got check raised. It sucked because if I called down he would catch a better hand on the river and screw me.

My favorite hand against him was this:

I have AA

Villian raises, I reraise, folds back to him he caps, I call.

Flop 652. He bets, I raise, he reraises, I call.

Turn comes an 8. He bets, I raise, he reraises, I cap.

River is a Q and my stomach turns. He bets, I call.

He shows QQ for rivered set.

I mean come on people. The poker gods were not with me. Hopefully I'll make it back tonight!

Tuesday, December 26, 2006 

Back with a vengeance

I've slowly gotten back into playing. I've been playing 1/2 on Full Tilt and a little 2/4 on Pokerstars to slide back in. I'll start playing some more NL as well and hopefully do some damage.

I've played about an hour each night the last few nights and am up about $80 overall. Its a nice start but that number needs to skyrocket.

Happy Holidays to everyone!

Monday, December 18, 2006 

ECD Update

After 6 months, ECasinoDeals has finally made good on their word and I have received the Amazon Gift Certificate I ordered in July. Problem resolved for me and I hope everyone else who took part in ECD offers get what they have ordered as well.

Thanks for the comments Chipper and Murf. Glad to see somebody still out there checking in.

I didn't have time to comment but last week I played a HORSE tourney Sunday with the PSO guys and managed a 2nd place finish and a NL tourney with the Chiptalk guys and pulled out a nice victory Monday night. That was a nice one as I was down 3:1 in chips as we went heads up and I managed to fight my way back for the win.

Unfortunately the Thursday night tourneys have not been going as well. Week 1 I had a nice 6th place finish. I've finished as high as 20ish the last 3 weeks though. My last 3 knockout hands have been KK vs JJ, AK vs A9 and AJ vs KQ. Somebody tell the underdogs to go away!

I may play a $5 HORSE tourney tonight and I'll hopefully post tomorrow and get back in the posting groove. If you're not on yet, come join the great forum! Good luck out there!

Monday, December 11, 2006 

Oh Poker, How I Miss Thee

Playing once or twice a week in $10 and $5 tournaments just isn't doing it for me.

I so want to play in big Multi Table Tournaments but I don't have time to block out 5 or 6 hours for them.

I get an urge for cash games now and then but I seem to want to go for the big score.

Hopefully one of these days I will have more time to play and actually have something exciting to write here.

On a side note, I am busy working on a new travel site at the moment which I will announce here within a few days hopefully. Maybe that will free up some time once I'm done :)

Hope everyone out there is doing well. Happy Holidays!

  • NL = No Limit Holdem
  • PLO = Pot Limit Omaha
  • CP = Crazy Pineapple
  • TD = Triple Draw
  • UTG = Under the Gun (first to act)
  • MP = Middle Position
  • LP = Late Position
  • CO = CutOff (one before the button)

About me

  • I'm Scottwire
  • From NJ
  • Hi there. I started this blog mainly to keep track of how I'm doing playing poker as well as to vent, share my thoughts and feelings, and allow friends and family to follow along. Thanks to everyone following along whether I know you or not. About me - I am currently a web developer who is trying to become a successful Entrepreneur with my wife. We love to travel and are trying to become successful enough to do that as we please :) That's us in a nutshell.
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