Before we look at the stats please note the following:
The first set of stats I was mostly 1 or 2 tabling. After my aggression increase, I started playing 3 or 4 tables and sometimes even 5. So you will see my BB/100 go down, but my hourly rate go up.
My BB/100 has gone down because of the multitabling, partly because I have sometimes gotten a little too aggressive and picked some bad spots to bluff. Some of it is variance as well (like AA losing to KK), but I can think of 3 or 4 buy ins that I lost because of overplaying my hand.
The stats:

So I've basically gone from 20/10 to 21/14.5
My aggression factor has gone from 1.65 to 3.5
I still think there is room to play more hands preflop. I have been on a few tables with some nuts or really loose players on my left that I didn't want to open up as much on the CO. I'm slowly adding more hands and hoping to play around 22/18ish. One place I can add hands a little perhaps is from the blinds. I've gotten overly tight in the blinds so that I am not playing out of position as much.
I have been 3 betting more instead of cold calling depending on position and type of opponent.
My went to showdown has gone down a little as I've been winning more pots preflop and my won money at showdown has gone down as well as I've tried bluffing (poorly) or semi-bluffing more. Two of my big river bluffs that I lost I still think may work enough of the time to show a profit but unfortunately that's high variance.
As I've been playing more hands, I've gotten into more marginal post flop situations so I think there is still a lot of improvement to be made in figuring out when to hit the breaks. I can think of a number of times where I figured a guy's most likely hand and I still tried to push him off it but alas it was not to be.
In general my biggest mistakes seem to come when I just don't believe people when they check raise or limp reraise. I inevitably seem to always have TT, JJ or QQ and I lose to a slightly higher overpair or set. Some of this is just acting too fast and overplaying hands.
This is all a great learning experience and it even got me to play a little more aggressively in the Thursday night tourney which I managed to win this week! Not an easy victory though. I was chip leader on the bubble with 4 left, took a nice beat with QQ vs JTo to drop me to last, then managed to win a race with AJ vs 99 and crippling the other short stack (sorry Ten!) and finally get into the money. Went up and down, got the chip lead back with AK vs A2 and managed to hit a set heads up to cripple Links_Slayer. Woo!
Ok back to the tables...
oh and I got my Ipod Touch from P* FPP! wheeeeeeeeeee