Tournament Victory!
21 players
$500 added to prize pool by the site.
Site: Poker Fantasy
1st place: $565
Woo! I was chip leader most of the way after I managed to suck out with JJ. 50/100 blinds and I was in the small blind. I raised to 400 and BB called. flop K42 and I pushed. Guy calls with K4. So my J hits the turn. What are you doing calling my raise with K4 anyway? So after that I really only played big hands and won blinds or knocked out smaller stacks.
My stack was fluctuating with 4 left, but I never was lower than 2nd place.
This win felt really good :)
Monthly total so far: $1200
On pace for a very nice month.
$500 added to prize pool by the site.
Site: Poker Fantasy
1st place: $565
Woo! I was chip leader most of the way after I managed to suck out with JJ. 50/100 blinds and I was in the small blind. I raised to 400 and BB called. flop K42 and I pushed. Guy calls with K4. So my J hits the turn. What are you doing calling my raise with K4 anyway? So after that I really only played big hands and won blinds or knocked out smaller stacks.
My stack was fluctuating with 4 left, but I never was lower than 2nd place.
This win felt really good :)
Monthly total so far: $1200
On pace for a very nice month.
Awesome, congrats! Didn't think you would still be playing on that site.
Posted by
actyper |
9:20 AM