Bye Bye Limit
The poker gods for some reason do not want me to move up to 3/6 Limit. Friday night I had a good run at 2/4 so I decided Saturday morning that I would try 3/6. I played 2 full ring tables and a short handed table. The same thing happens every time I do this, and this was no exception. AA cracked. QQ cracked. AQ, flop Axx, guy calls me down with 55 to hit 5 on river. Its killing me. So a couple hours later I'm down about $235.
Back to No Limit I go. I look for good tables around the net. I play a $50 table at PokerFantasy. I play a $100 table at WSEX. I play some $100 tables at Party to clear the bonus. Saturday morning is now a thing of the past. Since that point I have made $300 or so. Net +65 thankfully. I've even made a couple of really stupid plays and lost $50 or so I shouldn't have. Of course it helps when you get your opponent to bluff his whole $50 stack away when you flop a set of aces :)
My other fun adventure came Saturday night at UltimateBet. During the week moneymate posted on the PSO forum that there was a million dollar freeroll qualifier there. So I said what the heck and got in. About 3000 entrants and top 150 go to a Saturday qualifier. I was able to finish 68th or so and I'm in for the qualifier.
The qualifier Saturday night was rough. Around 1000 players left my stack was getting kind of small. I had 2 players go all in with me when I had AA so I tripled up. I was suddenly vaulted into the top 20 in chips. I was card dead for a while and in the middle of the pack with around 300 players left. I have about 20000 chips and blinds are 400/800. UTG raises to 3000. I have JJ in MP1. I mean to push all in but the slider messed me up. I push all but 2k. I have UTG covered. MP2 calls, folds around UTG pushes the rest of his chips in. Only 600 more chips so I can't reraise. I call, MP2 calls. Flop 755. I push my last 2k he calls.
Me: JJ
JJ holds up and I'm in the top 10 in chips again with 57k.
I pretty much coasted from there. Almost got scared near the end as the short stacks didn't want to get knocked out. I hate stalling and try not to ever do it. One table with 4 short stacks had them all doing it. My table no one was stalling so it got a little scary. But I'm in for the million dollar freeroll on July 15! First prize is 500k and top 100 get something. Hopefully first place is in my future.
May the flop be with you!
Back to No Limit I go. I look for good tables around the net. I play a $50 table at PokerFantasy. I play a $100 table at WSEX. I play some $100 tables at Party to clear the bonus. Saturday morning is now a thing of the past. Since that point I have made $300 or so. Net +65 thankfully. I've even made a couple of really stupid plays and lost $50 or so I shouldn't have. Of course it helps when you get your opponent to bluff his whole $50 stack away when you flop a set of aces :)
My other fun adventure came Saturday night at UltimateBet. During the week moneymate posted on the PSO forum that there was a million dollar freeroll qualifier there. So I said what the heck and got in. About 3000 entrants and top 150 go to a Saturday qualifier. I was able to finish 68th or so and I'm in for the qualifier.
The qualifier Saturday night was rough. Around 1000 players left my stack was getting kind of small. I had 2 players go all in with me when I had AA so I tripled up. I was suddenly vaulted into the top 20 in chips. I was card dead for a while and in the middle of the pack with around 300 players left. I have about 20000 chips and blinds are 400/800. UTG raises to 3000. I have JJ in MP1. I mean to push all in but the slider messed me up. I push all but 2k. I have UTG covered. MP2 calls, folds around UTG pushes the rest of his chips in. Only 600 more chips so I can't reraise. I call, MP2 calls. Flop 755. I push my last 2k he calls.
Me: JJ
JJ holds up and I'm in the top 10 in chips again with 57k.
I pretty much coasted from there. Almost got scared near the end as the short stacks didn't want to get knocked out. I hate stalling and try not to ever do it. One table with 4 short stacks had them all doing it. My table no one was stalling so it got a little scary. But I'm in for the million dollar freeroll on July 15! First prize is 500k and top 100 get something. Hopefully first place is in my future.
May the flop be with you!
First place finisher in The Million Dollar Freeroll will win:
• $500,000 in cash
• $75,000 worth of entries into land based tournaments
• A year’s worth of entries into our Sunday Events
• A year’s worth of poker lessons from Team UB (1 hour per week)
The next 100 finishers will share in a prize pool consisting of:
• Cash
• Tournament entries
• Aruba and WSOP Seats
that's alot of coins! May the force be with you!
I'll try my luck again! wonders if I can borrow the Easter Bunny for a day! Rabbit's foot! :shock:
Posted by
moneymate |
11:09 AM