Bang my head against the wall

This is how I felt last night. I was playing in a $2 rebuy tournament (rebought once and then added on after level 4) so it cost me $6 total. I was playing decently and got really lucky a few times. 3 people left I managed to get all my chips in the middle with A9 against 55 and pulled an ace on the turn. That guy got knocked out the next hand and suddenly it was heads up. The guy had a 2:1 chip lead on me and i went all in with 99. He called with QQ. Somehow the flop came 875. Boom 6 on the turn for the straight and I now have the chip lead. I managed to gain a 3:1 chip lead 3 times...yes 3 TIMES and I couldn't put it away. He gained the lead back a couple times. He went all in with a straight draw and I called with 2 overcards. Board was like T95 and he had 87, I had AJ. Of course he hits the 6 and doubles up. After that I got screwed when I had middle pair on J73 flop. I had 97. He called down each street and showed T7 to beat my kicker. he then took a small lead after that hand and I never regained my bearing. We were probably heads up for like 40 minutes when I finally went all in on a straight draw that never materialized. Oh well. The prize was a $100 tournament entry sigh. I'll try again tonight hopefully.