Up up up ....bleah
I was playing in the PSO forum freeroll last night. top 30 got prizes/cash and 1st place got an entry to a 10k event at the Taj Mahal in AC in October. I played really well in the first hour got up to over 3000 chips from 1000 and had more than twice the chips of anyone else at my table. After the break I made two really brain dead plays and wasted almost 1500 chips. After that all i could do was steal blinds and I finally got called with 66 in SB by the BB who had Q7 and caught his Q. sigh. finished 61st place. On a good note, I played 1/2 on Poker Rewards and made $80 in under an hour. I won 2 big pots back to back on a full house and a straight for $60 and $30 pots :) Kept doing well after that so it ended up being a good evening.