Pokerstars $11 R&A
I played the 10:15PM $11 rebuy tourney on Pokerstars last night. I was mostly card dead for the first hour but I was on a great table with almost every hand all in. I finally got A8s and that was good enough to call a nutty all in with and the guy happened to have A8 also and we split the pot.
I had crap cards the whole time and at 50/100 I pushed my last 1200 with A7. Unfortunately the guy with A5 flopped 2 more fives and I had to rebuy.
Again no cards and I decided to not add on since I only had 1400 chips left and I didn't feel like putting more money in.
And then the chip building began. Second time around after the break I pushed 88 from UTG and got called by 2 players. Board came all rags and I managed to triple up against AK and A7.
Not much doing again for a while and at 100/200 I had about 2400 chips left. I had 77 in the small blind and there were 3 limpers. I thought about pushing but something told me to just limp in. BOOM A76 flop. I check, guy leads out like 1800, another guy calls, I push all in, they both call. I triple up and then some to about 8000 something chips. YAY
Got a couple of timely overpairs and managed to then eventually get my stack up to about 80k chips with KK. Unfortunately the next hand I get AQ, BB calls my raise and flop comes Q high. He pushes the flop and I call he has KK now. So I went back down to 50k. Went back and forth a while but I had plenty of chips to get into the money now.
Worked my way back up to 75k, and at 1500/3000 I raise to 9k with TT. Short stack pushes all in for 16k more and I have to call. He shows KK and I'm down to 50k again.
Work my way back up to 75k and I raise to 9k with A8s. Button calls. Flop is 422 and button only has 20k left. Last time this happened my continuation bet took it down. This time he called me with JJ and I was down to like 50k again.
At 3000/6000 it became push time and I managed to take down the blinds a few times but I finally had my A7 run into AQ and I was out.
98th place - $108.93
I was really feeling good after getting my stack up to 80k but I just couldn't get over the hump. Not bad though for only having $1400 chips after the rebuy period when there were guys with 50k at my table. I want that final table!@# may the flop be with you!
I had crap cards the whole time and at 50/100 I pushed my last 1200 with A7. Unfortunately the guy with A5 flopped 2 more fives and I had to rebuy.
Again no cards and I decided to not add on since I only had 1400 chips left and I didn't feel like putting more money in.
And then the chip building began. Second time around after the break I pushed 88 from UTG and got called by 2 players. Board came all rags and I managed to triple up against AK and A7.
Not much doing again for a while and at 100/200 I had about 2400 chips left. I had 77 in the small blind and there were 3 limpers. I thought about pushing but something told me to just limp in. BOOM A76 flop. I check, guy leads out like 1800, another guy calls, I push all in, they both call. I triple up and then some to about 8000 something chips. YAY
Got a couple of timely overpairs and managed to then eventually get my stack up to about 80k chips with KK. Unfortunately the next hand I get AQ, BB calls my raise and flop comes Q high. He pushes the flop and I call he has KK now. So I went back down to 50k. Went back and forth a while but I had plenty of chips to get into the money now.
Worked my way back up to 75k, and at 1500/3000 I raise to 9k with TT. Short stack pushes all in for 16k more and I have to call. He shows KK and I'm down to 50k again.
Work my way back up to 75k and I raise to 9k with A8s. Button calls. Flop is 422 and button only has 20k left. Last time this happened my continuation bet took it down. This time he called me with JJ and I was down to like 50k again.
At 3000/6000 it became push time and I managed to take down the blinds a few times but I finally had my A7 run into AQ and I was out.
98th place - $108.93
I was really feeling good after getting my stack up to 80k but I just couldn't get over the hump. Not bad though for only having $1400 chips after the rebuy period when there were guys with 50k at my table. I want that final table!@# may the flop be with you!
I normally avoid the Rebuys as it seems the first hour or so is nothing but madness with all-in's being thrown around like dollars to a stipper's g-string. How many players were in that tourney? You got $108 for 98th place? Must have been a large tourney. I've played a few of those tourneys over the last year and simply sigh for relief when the rebuy period is over. Some players think they can rebuy like Daniel Negreanu (up to 28 times) and won't stop all-ins until they hit and win a big pot. More power to them but they are simply reducing their potential profit margin later on. I mean, if you have rebought about 10 times and ended up with $108 you'd feel pretty silly I think. I'd rebuy perhaps once and then always do the add-on but that's about it. Nice that you finished ITM with little rebuying.
A rebuy tourney means at least triple the buy-in. Perhaps a few more. I'll stick to freeze outs tyvm.
Posted by
Dave |
4:08 PM
Well the 10:15 tourney usually gets about 1500 people and is 55k guaranteed. First place is usually in the 12-15k range.
Top 180 normally get paid.
180-135 about $60 or so
135-100 about $80 or so
100-80 about $105 or so
My limit is 2 rebuys + addons, so as long as I cash I make my money back + a little more. I wish I had more nights to do this tourney.
Posted by
Scottwire |
9:46 PM
I guess I'm not the only one exploring the world of rebuy tournies and enjoying it!
Right now i'm limiting myself to rebuy at the beginning and an addon.
Chipper rebuys are great, the ones I have played recently I've built my stack up huge before the break easily. It so easy to just target the players that you know will keep rebuying, gambling their stack on any pair.
So far the biggest i've played was a 30r. Made it deep but couldn't pull it off late. Scott I feel the same way, if I had the time, I'd be playing these rebuys like crazy.
Posted by
actyper |
8:50 AM